Sunday, January 10, 2010

Broken Bells Part Trois

In case no one looks at the comments posted here, I will repost the second email from representatives for the Broken Bells in it's entirety.
A couple of posts ago I brought out a tune by the Broken Bells called, 'High Road'  In my piece was a link to a streaming replay of the song. A day after I posted the piece I received an email from Web-Sheriff asking me to remove the links.I thought the move by them ham handed and said so in my follow up (see below).
Well, lo & behold - a response of a decidedly unexpected nature arrived as a comment today.

It shows someone reads my little corner of this garden and that is gratifying, even if it is the enforcement wing.
It also shows that people make mistakes - this much we should expect...none of us are perfect.
But it's how they react  when the mistake is pointed out that defines them.
In this case, Web Sheriff did the right thing.

So we can follow the song title and all take the High Road.

For history: The piece was how I can enjoy a song through the sound of the melody and the lilt of the lyrics without including the content of those words.
This song is angry and dark, but the way the voices drawl, the way the song bounces in beat, sound so different to me. It could almost be a love song, were it not for the words.

Web Sheriffs reply:

Who You Gonna Call
Tel 44-(0)208-323 8013
Fax 44-(0)208 323 8080

Hey 'E' / MotM,

On behalf of Columbia Records, Monotone and Broken Bells, many thanks for plugging "Broken Bells" / the artists’ eponymous album on your blog (street date 9th March) ... .. and apologies that someone asked you to remove your stream of "The High Road", as this is actually one of the official preview / promo tracks for fans and bloggers to post / host / share etc ahead of release ... .. thanks, also, on behalf of the label, management and artists for not posting any pirate links to unreleased (studio) material generally and, if you / your readers want good quality, non-pirated, preview tracks, then full length versions of "The High Road" (as above) and "Vaporize" are / shall be available to link to / post / host etc at ... .. for further details of the new album, on-line promotions, videos and 2010 shows, check-out the official site, as well as the artists’ MySpace at and YouTube channel at ... .. and keep an eye on these official sources for details of further news, preview material and on-line promotions.

Thanks again for your plug and sorry for the inconvenience.

Regards & All The Best for 2010,


January 10, 2010 12:05 PM

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