Monday, March 29, 2010

Re: Can't We Just All Get Along?

We are our own worst critics. Yeah, it's trite, but very - very true. I think I stink, I can hear every mistake, lack of soul, missed opportunity when I play. We all can.

'Characters' is a bar in Pomona - featuring...darts. I was somewhat taken aback. Darts? In a town like this?
Not that there is a bar featuring such but that it thrives doing so.
Sunday a barbecue was set up in front of the bar.
Chicken, beef, peppers,onions and all the standard taco trimmings.
An open call to jam, to entertain while the barbecue took place. Shotgun and I decided to go. We are determined to play anywhere, anytime.
We had met the day before at Pomona's Farmer's Market with Jerry, the fellow organizing the jam for the following day.

There were perhaps, fourteen or fifteen people on the patio when we had set up and started to play.
Mostly men, mostly bikers, mostly weathered, hard looking people  with bandanas made from Confederate flags.

A jam session, by definition, is a loose thing. You have to be prepared to take abrupt endings, fouled up changes, et cetera in stride. Our cross to bear was faulty wiring.
Jerry's mic kept going off at the most inopportune times...such as when the singer opened his mouth.
Being a keyboard player, Jerry fixes a mic in a position on a boomed mic stand and leaves it there.
The singer, being a diva, takes & throws the mic and himself around the small stage we occupied.
Ah well.

Shotgun offers another mic, but this vocalist has had his fill. He has to leave.

The vocalist that had accompanied Jerry on Saturday at the Farmer's Market, Lewis, also showed.
Time for you, Lewis.

Lewis struggles through three tunes with us. Jerry is both playing the keyboard and his synthesizer is the bass and drums. Some of it is not pretty. He normally doesn't have to handle all three points alone. But at this point, it is the four of us. So Jerry braves it and we play on.

We take a break, partake of the food and then return to the stage.
There are more than thirty people now.

Jerry sings number, at the end of which there is applause. I mean a lot of it. This is from a crowd that had asked for AD/DC when we first setup.
We have found the music they want to hear.
Jerry sings another tune...Tejano, in fact. Aiiiiiieeeeeeeee!!!
The calls and applause at the end of this one are much louder.
There are women out on the patio. People are dancing. Calls of, "More!"

Jerry sings his heart out.
And it didn't matter if it was Bill Withers or Hot Tuna, he brought it up from deep within him.
I'm playing like a dervish.
I play rhythm for Shotgun most of the time. I can shine when asked.

"Man...who are these people cheering for?"

"Thank you all for coming, we had a blast. Drive home safely & goodnight!"
Jerry closed and we stepped off.
Four hours after we got up to play.
Four hours?!

And now it happens. Back slapping, people buying for us..."You guys were great!"
So why do I know I suck?

My Horoscope today was telling - GEMINI (May 21-June 21). Stop criticizing yourself! Get on your own side. Once you're on your own team, it will all work out. If you are having a hard time with this, make a list of 10 great things about you. It will turn your whole day around.

(Thank you, Holiday Mathis)

As Jerry hands me his card he says to me, "You want to play with me at Laverne's Farmer's Market on Thursday?"
Another gig.

Sunday, March 28, 2010

More & More

It's like rain.
You get one gig...all of a sudden you have five. And it keeps coming.
I may feel and act as though I am eighteen, but my body tells me otherwise.
I think in the last month, I've had one day of downtime - just me.
I'm not complaining.

This is from Sam's on Friday.
Saturday was the Farmers Market. A lot of networking took place - it was a good day.
Sunday is an open jam at 'Characters' in Pomona. (Just down Antique Row from Sam's)

Thursday, March 25, 2010

Play It Again, Samir

Friday - 8:00 pm.
Joey has his audition, and we rehearse in front of a small crowd.

If I am lucky enough to snag BJ and have him run the video camera, I should finally have something post worthy.
From the last session, I was able to extract but a few blurry stills.

iPhones are NOT video capture devices, no matter what Apple tells you.
It's native codec is QuickTime, naturally...but no one else uses that. Conversion then cleanup then searching for usable footage and sound.

The rehearsal will be mostly "quiet" music.
No headbangers need apply.
Think, 'Wind Cries Mary.'

April 10th is a party at, get this - George Harrison's.
My mind is racing already.

I really appreciate this new infusion of music and the energy it affords me.

Sunday, March 21, 2010

Playing Live Is A Crime...Or It Should Be.

I get so high from playing.
People that know me can attest to the lingering after effects of a well done show.

The gentleman I have been rehearsing with was asked to do a 'cameo' at a show in a dive called "The Back Door."
"You bring your guitar man, let's go."
After getting lost, he managed to get us to the place reasonably late.

As we entered, I saw a small place with two pool tables, the bar, and a small dance floor.
Maybe fifteen people in attendance. The youngest looked to be sixty five.
My eyes rolled involuntarily and I foresaw a really bad night in the making.

Shotgun tells me he will set up in the corner. I press the issue and ask where to set up my rig.
We're a good twenty minutes into setup when Big Joe and Nashville Nick...I am at a loss with these names, Nick being all of five feet tall with hat and boots and maybe one hundred and ten pounds, including guitar.
More sequins than Elvis.
Anyway, the two come over and tell us not to set up. We'll only be in the way - wait until called.
More eye rolling.
Okay - no worries.
Shotgun calls another drummer and asks him to come down. At least we are networking.

Nick and the crew have not played together before. It shows. The bass and drummer were tight, but Nick and the vocalist were out of synch with the other two. It was subtle, but music tends to put on a glaring spotlight when it doesn't work.  You don't have to be the best musicians, but you have to be able to read the crowd and feed they feed you.
Don't misunderstand me either, Nick is a very talented guitarist. The vocalist was not my cup of tea, but he had heart.

What they failed to do was read what the crowd wanted.
By ten pm there were fifty or so people. And for ONE number, three ladies got up to dance.
They flat out boogied. Didn't care one whit who was watching or hooting and calling, they were there to dance.

So when Shotgun and I got the call to play (a blonde C&W gal sang two numbers prior to us) I turned to him and whispered, "Dance tunes."
The vocalist wanted to do a number with us - 'My Girl.'
Then we let go.
'Soul Man'
'Reach Out'
'I Was Made To Love Her'
'I Can't Help Myself'

They did not sit down. A group of ladies started things off. Within a few bars of 'Soul Man' the men joined in. Soon, the floor was full, I mean full.
We, the band, pushed our stuff backwards to let them have more floor space.
I was standing almost directly in front of the door to the establishment. More than once I was 'ducking' incoming patrons.
But they danced!
It's not so much just playing, although I get incredibly high from that.
But when you and the audience click...
It is sublime.

It was a bit after Midnight and magic again was there.

Thank You and Goodnight! 

Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Can't We All Just Get Along?

I was watching the Rock & Roll Hall of Fames induction ceremony last night.
I thought it a good show.
Some of the inductees I appreciated, Some, I did not.
But it was a show dedicated to MUSIC. Therefore it is a good thing.

This morning I am looking at FaceBook and the comments concerning which bands were inducted and which were left out are just astounding.
The animus! The "righteous indignation."
You'd think Barney the Purple Dinosaur was named best musical act of 2010 from the replies.

Josh: When is RUSH going to get inducted?
David: KISS should be in before ABBA
Larry: The hall of fame is a joke
Steve: How 'bout Josie & The Pussycats? If Kiss gets in, they deserve to get in........
Cathy: The Stooges??? really...why??? This guy is a washed out nobody...why not Yes or kiss or ELP come on...

While ABBA was never near the top of my list of favorites, I like to see musicians getting their due.
And I'd never poison ABBA's well to promote the band of my choice. That is just nasty and unnecessary.
Can't we as a group just be happy for a band being recognized?
For ANY band being recognized!

If we need something to complain about it should be the lack of mainstream coverage afforded the event.

Saturday, March 13, 2010

Samir's Fumoir Two Shows Nightly?

Shotgun (That's Ric's stage name) calls me from Sam's place at about seven pm, how soon can I get there.
"I'm on my way."

We sit and talk a bit, about hooking up a video camera to the large screen projector of Sam's. At the moment it is just showing the picture from the television mounted on the front wall.

In walks an older looking man with a baseball cap on his head.
"Hey Big Joe!" (Another stage name)

And now I am feeling somewhat setup.
In walks a younger twenty something named BJ (I'll assume it's not his stage name) with a guitar, amp, microphone and rhythm sack.
Oh, now I am sure I have been setup. This is an impromptu audition for Big Joe.

We begin to jam.
Two hours later, I'm drenched, but happy about it.
"Thank you and goodnight!"
BJ packs his gear, and I return Sam's Squier to it's place, coil the cord and turn off the amp.
The people that had wandered in earlier, have left, it's after ten.
As I head towards the door, I am planning on a bite at Angelos and then back to the house, a voice calls, "See you tomorrow at eleven am!"
"Yeah, two shows tomorrow...noon and eight again."

Angelos is closing. I really like their Bruschetta.
Let's wander down to Characters and see if they have some food.
No food, just a loud, very loud jukebox.
A band out on the patio.
After listening to the other band for three numbers Shotgun and I leave.

Come and see us in action.
Sam took pictures and video with his iPhone - I will get copies and post what suits.
I am tired.

Thursday, March 11, 2010

Samir's Fumoir - A Big Maybe

We have a possible gig Saturday at Samir's Fumoir in Pomona.

And I won't know until Friday night?
How's that for advanced planning?
It's not the band or Sam that hasn't said so, but the Harp player.
He has the gig and we would be the backup for him.


Black Magic Woman
Mississippi Queen
Hey Joe
La Grange
Stormy Monday
et cetera...

It'll be a bluesy sort of thing, as you can see from the partial list of tunes; that is the type of harp player, Big Joe happens to be.
If it goes down, I will be trying to have someone videotape this. If you look at Sam's Myspace page you may be able to negotiate to the few clips he made of performances. They are mostly done with a small digital camera that also shoots video - not the best quality.
Someone knowing how to operate a real video camera is invited down to use mine and properly tape the event. Send me an email or comment.
And come on by and say, "Hi."

Monday, March 8, 2010

We Are Very Self Critical

Musicians I speak with, almost to a person have said they enjoyed the Oscars more than any comperable musical award shows.
Many times they cite, "real talent," as the difference between the two worlds.
In Oscars early years the pickings were slim and I would wager the criticism much the same.

I also suspect that people are more critical of things in which they participate as opposed to things they do not understand or have limited knowledge of.

The show itself was a good one. Even with the dual hosts. And neither Steve Martin nor Alec Baldwin are anywhere near the top of my list. There was a historic award presented and obscure references to actors long gone and seldom remembered., both of which I appreciated.

But I disagree with the idea that musical award shows lack talent.
The talent may not be to everyones liking but that doesn't lessen the musical abilities involved.
As the market matures and musical award shows become more inclusive, we'll see more "mainstream" talent.

Yes, I liked Prince playing the Superbowl.

Thursday, March 4, 2010

Upcoming Shows

John Mayer at the Staples Center Thursday March 25th

Bruce Cockburn at the Coach House Friday April 16th

James Taylor & Carole King at the Hollywood Bowl Tuesday May 4th
(Parenthetically, Andy Brauer did the setups for the guitars to be used in the show - Andy is a very nice guy with a passion for guitars...and it shows - I would bring anything musically speaking to Andy for setup or repair)

The last three months have been full of good music. Los Lonely Boys, Al DiMeola, Dave Davies and Ray Davies, Tower of Power & Richard Thompson.
I have noticed that with the exception of the top tier tours Id Est James Taylor and Carole King, the ticket prices have been more than reasonable. Most venues are charging in the neighborhood of $25 a seat.
Even if you factor in food or drink the night is still very affordable.

I know I have said it before - go support your local venue.
Go see a show.
The economy may be bad but the music has been sublime.

On that note, I have a few upcoming gigs in Pomona and will post dates and then results, pictures and whatnot.
Come out and see us.