Saturday, March 13, 2010

Samir's Fumoir Two Shows Nightly?

Shotgun (That's Ric's stage name) calls me from Sam's place at about seven pm, how soon can I get there.
"I'm on my way."

We sit and talk a bit, about hooking up a video camera to the large screen projector of Sam's. At the moment it is just showing the picture from the television mounted on the front wall.

In walks an older looking man with a baseball cap on his head.
"Hey Big Joe!" (Another stage name)

And now I am feeling somewhat setup.
In walks a younger twenty something named BJ (I'll assume it's not his stage name) with a guitar, amp, microphone and rhythm sack.
Oh, now I am sure I have been setup. This is an impromptu audition for Big Joe.

We begin to jam.
Two hours later, I'm drenched, but happy about it.
"Thank you and goodnight!"
BJ packs his gear, and I return Sam's Squier to it's place, coil the cord and turn off the amp.
The people that had wandered in earlier, have left, it's after ten.
As I head towards the door, I am planning on a bite at Angelos and then back to the house, a voice calls, "See you tomorrow at eleven am!"
"Yeah, two shows tomorrow...noon and eight again."

Angelos is closing. I really like their Bruschetta.
Let's wander down to Characters and see if they have some food.
No food, just a loud, very loud jukebox.
A band out on the patio.
After listening to the other band for three numbers Shotgun and I leave.

Come and see us in action.
Sam took pictures and video with his iPhone - I will get copies and post what suits.
I am tired.

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