Saturday, April 3, 2010

After the Prayin', We'll be Playin' at 'Characters'

I hope everyone had a good Passover and Easter.

We should have a larger turnout this weekend even though the BBQ will probably not be present.
A conga player, two drummers, three guitars, and two keyboards.

Now if only I could find a bass player.

I wonder what type of music is Easter music?
"Won't You Come Home Bill Bailey?"
(Yeah, we've done that)

Ooooo...Oooo - 'What a Wonderful World!' ala Satchmo!
That'd be perfect.
What A Wonderful World                        
(Forget that he could no longer play by then - I really admire the man that was Louis Armstrong - note: future piece, an homage to the man)

If you're able, come by and say 'Hello.'

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