Saturday, May 22, 2010

Driving Music

No, not JoJo Gunne's 'Run.'
No, not the music that causes you to stomp your car's accelerator to the floor.

What I am talking about is music that drives you. It may be pop, or folk, or classical. The genre is not the thing. The passion, is. Name the last five concerts you have attended. See a pattern? Most of us will see that we tend to enjoy a specific style and deviate rarely.

So what drives your heart?

I know people that are driven by what is closest to their heart - the bass player that loves a hard, well kept bottom. The drummer that loves Keith Moon.
Then there are people that are driven by what is in their heart. Be it, love or loss - they listen to reflections of their mood. To an extent we all do. Sometimes the music can alter your mood. What began as slow and quiet became pounding and strong.

I wonder if Carlos Santana is the world's best lover? His music certainly is. I wonder if Ted Nugent had an very unhappy and violent childhood?
Jim Morrison was lonely and far ahead of his peers. I don't think that the rest of the band understood him, either.

I have always described my music as romantic rock. It can be a samba by Santana or a simple folky tune.
'America,' by Simon and Garfunkel. The coda of that song, to this day still gives me chills. Never mind the incredible harmony Art created, the strength as it grew throughout the repeating refrain. The driving urgency.
Inherent rebellion.
And then the song it began.
But it drives me.
I hear music all the time...everywhere. In white noise. In a laugh or a remark.
And all of it tugs at my heart; to either lift it or dash it against the rocks of my drunken monkey.

That's not to say there's no valid case for driving music. The kind that nets you a speeding ticket.
Jo Jo Gunne was one of  those special gems in the rough.

1 comment:

Birdsong said...

"Don't the sunrise look so pretty
Never such a sight
Like a rollin' into New York City
With the skyline in the morning light
Roll right through the night...."

"Feets Don't Fail Me Now" by Little Feat will keep me awake and above the speed limit any time.

Since you asked, songs of love and longing too numerous to name just now drive me.

More later, Ernie....