Friday, July 16, 2010

Rinse and Repeat

Take two.
Take thirty three.

It kills creativity. Spontaneity is lost when you play the same tune over and over.
Fine, spice it up.It by take four, it's not happening, then move on and return later. A small break can be very beneficial.

It is also the way of studio time. Fifteen to three hundred an hour dictates a certain work ethic. Push it out in linear fashion.

I hate to argue with producers.
"Think of it as a smoke break."
"But you don't smoke, e."
"I know...[sigh]...that bands that do smoke; they take breaks and then return,'refreshed,'right?"
Light bulb time.

Sometimes repetition is the job at hand. When the song is new, you play it again and again until you are tired of it. A sure sign you know it.

But when you are trying to lay one track on top of another, it is one thing to be familiar with the piece and another to get stuck in a rut over it.

Take three is my limit and then it all turns to mush.

1 comment:

Birdsong said...

Sometimes it just doesn't happen. You can always punch in later.