Yesterday we had a four birthday bash at Characters after the nominal weekly band thing.
Sylvia who is the girlfriend of Steve the bass player was celebrating as well as John the manager of the tavern and two of the regulars.
All four had their actual birthdays on Saturday.
So Jerry serenades Sylvia at one point...we did Happy Birthday for all of them while they were seated front and center...a good time was had by all.
Then it began to rain. I'm not a fan of electrocution. Where the stage is situated, our amps are just sticking from under the overheard awning. Exposed...getting wet. We pushed everything forward a few feet and soldiered on.
Wind began to blow. We pushed the amps another couple of feet under the overhead protection.
But now, I am beginning to get cold.
It is difficult if not impossible to play when cold, let alone wet as well. The fingers stiffen and the brain begins to shut down. Creative juice become viscous sludge.
But we can't stop now. The crowd is there for a reason, they don't have the same perspective as we do. We play.
"Ernie, do you know 'Let it Rain?', " asks Jerry.
"Well enough to wing it..."
"Let it rain...Let it rain..." The light bulb goes off over the collective head of the audience.
"Hey guys, it's raining...maybe you should take a break?"
It was a very long day. I am glad it's over. It was fun, but now I am thinking of heaters as band equipment.
This Friday, October 22nd - Rich Pagano of the Fab Faux and The SugarCaneCups will be at Room 5, Mid Wilshire, Los Angeles.
Room 5
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