Wood Brothers & Carsie Blanton (Friday 2/4)
Jam at George Harrisons (Saturday 1/15)
Gig with Status and Steve in Rancho Cucamonga (Sunday 2/6)
A pile of books (fifteen or more)
Where do people find the time? I have so much to do and so little free time. And yet I have enough time to lounge about and compose.
As a species, we humans are very strange animals. My dogs know enough to lay in the sun and run when I pour food. But for some reason I feel out of it if I am not in motion. Sitting makes me dull and witless.
This year started with a bang and I have found that even a moment of dowtime is too much for me. Do not confuse quiet reflection with downtime.
I have written two tunes, auditioned for a new band (A Beatles Tribute) and generally kept inventive and energetic. Whew - all good.
On the technology front I got a new phone - a smartphone. (Free, I paid sales tax, only)
It has been a boon in everyway. I dictated lyrics while walking through my neighborhood. The moment struck and I just clicked the record button and voila. How many times I have lost an inspiring thought due to lack of paper and pen.
It is NOT for games, but productivity.
My goodness, this rings true!
I have an application that allows me to compose and another that contains a chord library. The virtual recorder is worth the price of admission, alone.
And as of yet, I have not become tethered to the phone. I can put it down, unlike some people I have seen.
I recently saw two people eating lunch. As the meal concluded, they both picked up their phones and began texting in isolation. It was a surreal sight.
There are limits, people - use them!
Even the television has been better than usual. Where it had settled into a medocre lull last September, it has come roaring out of the new years gate in a most enjoyable way.
I hope everyone has a great 2011.
If you are in town February 4th and would like to see the Wood Brothers and Carsie Blanton, drop me a line.
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