Sunday, February 27, 2011

There's No Business Like The Dog And Pony Show You've Chosen

Update - After numerous glowing reviews from the front man with that Stones tribute/original band, I get an email on Friday telling me my playing was not what the drummer expected and frankly, the front man now seemed to share the same opinion.
Confused to say the least.

I'm not about to plead for a gig in which I am not wanted.
This is not a shot to play with Bruce.
Okay - this is show business. Cut-throat, nasty back-stabbing business in which the strongest, not necessarily the most talented, survive.
I put it behind me. I have been rejected before. Not often enough that they blur together. I remember them distinctly. But they do not shape me other than toughen me. Yes, in this instance what doesn't kill, makes me tougher.

Saturday I open my email to find another missive from the front-man. It seems the drummer is seeking an elusive dream and the front-man is trying to dissuade him from it and bring the drummer back to reality.
He'll let me know what happens.

I didn't know whether to laugh at or cry for the sad, sad man.
I picked a business in which, like the Church, we can be a last refuge for some voices.
Some people have more time than talent and work to find outlets for their unique message.

I remember the time I asked Mike Miller to deliver a message to a girl I was smitten with during high school.
And how he won that girls heart that night, bearing my message.
(A most unwitting Cyrano)

I thought I had to toughen up, to stop trusting my feelings in other hands as they would crush me more often than not.

What I have learned is that I need not toughen up to survive people like Mike or in this lifes case JC; rather I have learned to pursue my own ideals and take those along with me that truly wish to come.

I won't be answering any forthcoming emails from JC. He is a footnote now; one of my rejections.
I am somewhat glad to have one or two humorous ones.

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