Saturday, November 12, 2011

Going Digital...The Full Monty Plunge

I was recently on an airplane from NJ to CA, seated next to a very nice mother and daughter. The child was very well behaved, offering to do homework to pass the time. She reached into her bag and retrieved a Kindle.
I've seen them before and I an proud to call myself a Luddite.
I like paper. I love bookstores.

But I dislike lugging five hundred pages across the country only to be done with it somewhere over Texas and now just carrying dead weight. And with nothing more to pass the time but to snooze.

I also find myself watching more television than I used to do. A lot more.
An interesting part of the Kindle bundle is a thirty day trial in Amazon Prime. Not only will shipping on Amazon orders become free (I use Amazon a lot), but now there are five thousand books in the AP Lending Library. AP also streams movies and television shows, such as Grey's - free.
And then I read where an agreement was reached so that many libraries will now carry eBooks.

I'm sunk. $199 for the won't ship before Tuesday and I am at the end of a long, long line so I choose the free, albeit slow shipping of five to eight business days.
Now I am looking into apps for my phone to "tether" to the Kindle so I can use my phone as a modem for 3g access to the WiFi only Kindle.

But hey, I can watch television or movies, borrow and buy books, and carry it aboard a plane, in a slim little package. I know I am a Geek, but this is just another example of a DOS dinosaur slipping into the Digital Age.

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