Friday, January 13, 2012

It's Always Been About the People

I refuse to buy from Guitar Center - never mind they are a Bain Capital (Mitt Romney) company, never mind that they are the Wal-Mart of music stores, never mind they search you when you leave, they just plain flat out stink as a retail establishment.

I have had my eye on a Vox guitar since last November. Too much money and made in China or Indonesia. Enough drawbacks to keep me from buying one. Then I found a model they made at about half the cost.

I put a guitar up for sale on Craigslist, figuring if I got  bite, I'd find a way to buy the Vox.
Someone sees my ad and contacts me. After a flurry of emails we pick a time and place to make the deal.
I awaken to find an email...for whatever reason, the deal is not going through.
Fine, no worries. It wasn't meant to be, I guess.
I had another guitar to list anyway. I compose the ad and throw it up on Craigslist.
I laid back down and thought about the last few weeks and how my life has changed.

Later on I went to check email as I do a couple of times a day
Someone is interested in my offer?
So the deal for $250 falls through but the guitar I offer for $700 is picked up in a heartbeat?
(What God takes away with the left hand He more than replaces with the right)

A good friend comes and picks me up for lunch, "Mind if we hit Styles?"

"Lou,  I'd like the Vox guitar...however a competitor is offering it at substantially less, just come close and I'll take it."

He met the price - threw a couple sets of strings in the case and told me, "We love you, man."
I wanted to pay more, he wanted to give me free stuff.

THIS is why I go to Styles - people. They like me, they treat me as a friend, and ya know what?
Lou meant it, it was not the normal air kiss friendship which defines "friends" in Los Angeles.

A relationship between a retailer and you that reaches this is worth holding dear.
He is a friend as much as the guy from whom I buy my musical stuff.
Little Lou, Big Lou, Greg, Dave - thank you, guys.

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