Saturday, February 4, 2012

I Rock...I Blues...I Salsa

I am good.
A blues band that has a decidedly Latin flair, And I rocked them.
This was a last minute thing. There was a band named Salsa Bluesa and then one day their guitarist left. A phone call and I got the gig that was already a done deal.

The club was already packed at 6:30 p.m. which is something of an anomaly. I had lead sheets and I knew the guys playing so I had a sense of the rhythm they liked to keep.
It was unknown whether we'd do two sets or three. It turned out to be three.
I rocked it. Carlos Santana was an influence since 1971. I felt it. I can dance this stuff.

After we finished and were relaxing off to the side the inevitable invitation came.
I thanked them for the interest and assured them I'd fill in anytime , but covers were not my thing...anymore.
I felt good about it.
I dumped up. I could have earned an extra $100 - 200 a week with these guys, but the repertoire is extremely limited and the audience is limiting as well. And this would be an extra twenty hours or so.
Yes, I am torn, but not that badly.

Upcoming gigs in town and one or two out and about and I'll be more than happy until I can play my material and nothing else.
Or at least a tasteful mix...hmmmm.

I have a  blues persona I use to good effect. I am be continued.

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