Saturday, April 7, 2012

I See Beauty...Everywhere...

I was reading a book and went outside for a breather.
I was struck by the tree to my left and the the tree in front of me and then the moon behind that tree and then I said, "Thank you."

I hear music in white noise. Although I have to be in the proper mental frame of mind.
I see beauty everywhere.  Although I have to be in the proper mental frame of mind.

What does it take to steer the ship of my mind clear of the icebergs out there?
Being aware of them is a first step.

I have also noticed that a particular talent is balanced by a particular deficiency of equal and opposite reaction, yin to your yang.
Someone who is very self aware is at the same time very unaware of their doings. Very strange dichotomy we humans. I wonder if other animals suffer this joy?

When I am happy I see beauty and when I am not I hear music.
I would guess my subconscious is trying to lift me via that which provides a charge like no

For now, I am content and I see a clear path before me; even allowing for unknown things to enter.
When you find yourself on a wave, ride it.

We can question it later.
 צֶלֶם אֱלֹהִים

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