Saturday, September 22, 2012

A Day of Bad Jamming Is Better Than a Good Day At Work

I have a neighbor that through sheer grit, determination and no sense of when he is being a royal pain, hosts more jam sessions than the average bear.

I try to take advantage of these as sources of other contacts more than a chance to play...usually.

And while a good number of them eventually have become productive from my standpoint, there is still a fair amount of garbage to sift through.

Today was such a day.
It has been very warm this summer in California and having to endure withering heat and then to try to play is a tough road. Heat saps creativity. Causes drinking and excess of a cerebral sort that also sap the creative flow.

And this guy is so cheap - he thinks a fan and an open door will solve the air dilemma.
After some back and forth it was concluded to turn his window AC unit on...I could swear it belched dust, it hadn't been used in such a long, long time. After an hour or so, the heat in his living room began to dissipate.

Let the music commence! participant was dozing...heat and beer, no doubt.
We began to play and the neighbors began to load up on Rics lawn, having a listen. Ric notices them and goes to open the door.
"The heat..."
"Oh yeah..." He waves. We go back to jamming. None of the invitees are spectacular, in my mind. Nothing clicks, and yet it had been a good session.

I learned something of my phrasing that was missing. I found relative keys without thinking about it...I sounded good at times.

Even the worst jam session beats a day slaving in the salt mines.

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