Wednesday, May 22, 2013

Damn...I'm Good! So...Why Can't I Focus Myself?

I was watching the television show Becker.
As a theme and for lead in and out of scenes a then young man, Jason Miller throws short stacatto phrases from his telecaster and generally is universally seen as just a wonderful player, gifted with an eloquent musical vocabulary. Also very tasteful.

I fired up my amp and grabbed my guitar; sometimes the opening is in one key, C Major I believe, and the interludes in another - A Major or E Major, sometimes they never knows until after the fact. In which case I just backed it up and then play along.

But very quickly it became apparent to me that I was not struggling to match or follow him at all. I have seen most if not all episodes...more than once, so the music is not unfamiliar. But the ease with which I fell into it was pleasing and a somewhat of a surprise.

My inner critic, the voice that is silent in the shower, keeps talking about focus.
But I play many styles.
Shut them down? No.

There is a way for me to explore Blues, Jazz, Rock, even Country and remain true to my vision for myself. Has to be.

Clapton has reinvented himself many times. The Stones have been a rock group and a country and western band.

Usually, they do one theme and then move forward.
I continue to play all themes simultaneously. Is that my 'thing?'

If so, how do I present it in a way that keeps me from appearing schizophrenic? In a way that will allow me to present all my facets? not one theme at a time.

Has anyone done an album with a complete mosaic of styles? What is my mosaics larger picture?

I have homework ahead of me.

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