What is a verified account?
Any account with a blue verified badge on their Twitter profile is a verified account.
Twitter is the network tool. Facebook was a failed promise.
I joined MySpace and that was not helpful to me as a musician, it did link me with a few people from high school. Well, why not join FaceBook and just maintain contact there?
So I left MySpace for greener pastures. Those pastures are barren and devoid of real life. It DOES serve to keep me in contact with cousins I would not see or talk to regularly otherwise. More like its intended purpose.
Along came Twitter.
Someone infinitely smarter than I told me that Twitter was the future. They sat patiently, and explained how to organize contacts and what to watch for. I dove in. It took a bit for me to find my footing. But it was not as much "work" as FaceBook. Much more intuitive. And as it turns out, useful.
Not looking to have "followers" for their own sake, I wanted meaningful contacts - A&R people, radio and television personalities, anyone that can teach me, reach me, offer me a gig.
Twitter verified accounts are the people they purport to be.
All of a sudden I find my network collecting check marks the way I used to agree to friends requests on FaceBook.
All of a sudden I find my network collecting check marks the way I used to agree to friends requests on FaceBook.
All I do is post music, express an opinion - Twitter is a cocktail party. I mingle. And dang it, payoffs have been seen. I have garnered airplay on three internet radio stations. I have submitted works for a rock compilation album. I am doing exactly what I thought I would be doing.
One of these people is going to hear me play or engage in conversation and it will be that link I have been looking for. I can filter "A&R" as a search criteria when looking for people to follow. I mean, how much better can it get?
Let me tell you...I can talk to Don Rickles.