Things do not stay static.
Things constantly change.
But we as humans claw to hold onto what we held dear forty years ago. We are anything but prepared to move on with the time. No matter how hip and forward looking, there is always a voice screaming for the world to slow down.
And with all change there is a sameness to it all.
The more things change, the more they stay the same.
I am certain two Romans wondered about the latest epidemic to break out or the threat from terrorists.
I have said for a long time that people without children do not age as quickly. And I do not mean the struggle of life with children; in fact that is energizing. But when your baby gets married you can no longer escape the evidence of age. Children are mile markers in life. Without them you would blissfully have no idea how much time you have wasted on one pursuit or another.
Language changes.
'Swipe' now means to read a magnetic strip on a card rather than to steal.
'Dope' means something cool rather than an idiot.
Attitudes change.
There has been a two term black president.
Pot is soon to be legal across the country; it's a revenue stream now.
Same sex discrimination is dwindling.
While at the same time, Islamic extremists are fighting other Islamic sects as well as the rest of the infidel world.
Fear of ebola has driven some people to madness and they do not recognize it. I mean your chances of dying from the flu are one thousand times greater and few of the fearful will be getting vaccinated.
And what used to be the loyal opposition has now become the insecure and virulently racist, homophobic, war mongering, fear embracing minority that are circling their wagons against an imaginary foe. We are, after all, Americans first, right Mitch McConnell? Right Mr Speaker?
Companies can decide what laws they will obey. Unarmed black kids shot dead and the protests that brings.
People thank veterans for their service but do not want to pay for the benefits the soldiers were promised.
Same shit, different day.
The fight will never end as long as there are humans to muck it up.
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