It is a good thing to be completely consumed by a love for something. Not to be ruled or dictated to by that love; it is not a need so much as a part of who you are when you wake up in the morning.
I have passions.
I enjoy many diverse things.
But for some reason they all seem to tie together...almost neatly. Einstein would be proud of my unified universe.
I walk the earth and smell the air and my lungs fill with a rich ache, a memory perhaps. Or maybe a present fulfillment? And then I hear music. My heart beats and I feel music. Everything I do seems to lead me back to some innate thing inside. I have intuitive understandings that are incredibly deep and yet I haven't the words to put them before people. So I sing about them instead.
Everything in life is musical to me. I wonder if carpenters feel wood in everything they touch? I would suspect as much. It is natural. I am not really different than anyone else. Some of us proudly wear our passions. Most do not, and that is a sad thing. Probably what Hippies were trying to explain. Acting responsible does not mean foregoing love of anything, no matter how small society deems it.
Give your inner voice a chance to be heard.
I'll listen.
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