Tuesday, August 24, 2010

At Least They Tried

Chris called, my guitar is ready and he confirmed that the Made In Mexico Jaguar I have has a Made In America Jazzmaster tremolo plate. When GM did this using Chevy engines in Pontiacs (even though, functionally, the engines were identical - valve covers said Chevrolet), the outcry was huge.
Potentially a consumer could order a mod part and it wouldn't work since the arm on the MIA part is not threaded but the MIM tremolo arm is.
It took Fender or Sam Ash eight days to have a part delivered from Fullerton to Ontario...ten miles?
And Chris took the mint greet tip off my arm and placed it on the replacement arm. Fender didn't ship a complete tremolo arm? Well, at least it is functional, now.

As you exit Sam Ash or Guitar Center, for that matter, they want to search any musical related package.
Can you say illegal search and seizure?
They don't ask to search womens handbags. But for "security," IE shoplifting, they want to look in my property?
I have bought and paid for this case and what is within. Call the police if you believe me to have stolen something but to presume, nay ASSUME that everyone with a guitar is a thief is too much for me.

This is why I will continue to patronize Styles Music in Pomona. Even if it did cost a few dollars more to buy from Little Lou, it doesn't, I would still not buy from a large corporation that treats their customers so poorly.

Am I being too critical?

The phrase, "the customer is always right," has been relegated to history's  dust bin, it seems.

At least the Jag is home.

Post Script - As I was trying to determine how the swap in parts had occurred an older gentleman approached and we spoke about guitars in general and the Jag in particular.He has one as well.
"Who set this up? The action is like butter!"
Andy Brauer strikes again!

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