Sunday, September 19, 2010

It Works Because We Will It To Do So...

At Characters yesterday the retirement party for 'Big Ed' was held.
Replete with well executed BBQ and music provided by Jerry, Steve and me.

During the week, I had spoken with 'Big Joe' and invited he and his brother Jesse to join us. Jesse plays the drums and 'Big Joe' the harmonica. Jerry reminded me to make certain 'Big Joe' knew he wasn't going to be paid, so I told him it was a jam and he was welcome to sit in.

As background, 'Big Joe' is looking to put a Blues Band together - toward that end we (He and Steve and myself) had held a rehearsal or two and had more scheduled.

We took our first break and Jerry had bought a round, could I help him carry it back? Sure.
When we returned with the drinks,'Big Joe' turns to me like King Farouk to a minion, and says, "Get me a coke."
I was somewhat taken aback and must have been standing there, my mouth agape...

Sylvia, Steve the bass players girl friend is five feet nothing, steps in, plants her hands on her hips and says to 'Big Joe,' "Excuse me?"

When it ended 'Big Joe' was leaving, a stream of expletives exiting his mouth as he went.
In the vernacular, she had ripped him a new one.
Sylvia was still hot and upset as we took to the stage again. This time, sans drums and harmonica.

I went to the mike to apologize, when my mouth opened I said, "Forty years ago today, Jimi Hendrix died."
'Hey Joe' followed. And you know what? It was better than good. For some reason, it was particularly sweet and moving.
In the aftermath of the ruckus that the resident ego and the protective girlfriend produced I had expected us to quietly fold the tent and call it a day. Oh.Hell.No.

We didn't leave the stage until after seven pm.
And as we did, Jerry turns to me and says, "We have another gig next weekend besides the Characters thing.
You up for it?"
Is Sylvia coming? You know I am.

Being in a band is like being married to several people at once - an almost impossible situation. Add to it the fact that ego is probably the one thing we all have in common. I am very deferential, I look for harmony - I just want to play.
I have no need to do a particular song or solo all the time. There always seems to be that one person who must put the thoughts of what's best for the band aside and think only of themselves.

So it looks as though Steve and I will not be invited back to 'Big Joes.' Ah well, no loss - really.
As Ralph Kramden would say, "A mere bag of shells..."

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