Sunday, February 6, 2011

Ever Been Married To Three People Simultaneously?

It's not an easy task. To be in a band...a successful band; even harder and get along.
To have four people to get along in all things is asking too much. Never happen.
You hope for a nice happy median.
That we share a taste in music. Perhaps the same sense of dedication to our music.

And then life intrudes. This one can't pay his rent; he'll be moving from week to week. Visiting the local pawn shop. I can't count on this.
Another one forgot he had a prior engagement. Forgot? Nah...decided to leave. So that precludes the second of the two gigs.
The last one means well. But he likes to drink. Likes it too much. For me to be his friend means to drink as though I were back in college. Oh, no thanks. No thanks at all.

Why can't we get together and simply make sweet music?
Ah well.
I understand why many of the acts I follow and enjoy are singles, or pairings of a temporary nature.
Very few are more than three pieces with any length of time under the belt. For a particular band to work, takes work.Four people married to each other.

Sounds like a story line from Hollywood, if ever I heard one.

I think I will go solo for a bit and see how I fare. It will demand a complete shift in my approach to music in general. I can do it; the question is do I want to change badly enough?

1 comment:

Birdsong said...

I'm behind in my blog reading.

Trying to keep a band together is like herding cats, isn't it?

Especially when it's more for love than money.