Wednesday, August 1, 2012

Tension Is What Causes Change

Big Trouble Little China - there is a scene in which the troubles of the world are boiled down to this:

"But there is one thing even David Lo Pan must acknowledgeAll movement in the universe is caused by tension between positive and negative furies."

Without tension there are no dynamics, no movement...entropy.
Musically, in life...this can be applied anywhere.

I am currently very content with my music, with my guitar, with my sound. And then it takes effort to sit and play take after take to achieve perfection. To even attempt perfection.

A rut is the outcome when one is content.

Tensions are to be savored. No, not conflict. But tensions. Two desires working in different but not opposing directions. They can be made to work in harmony...another musical term.

But it takes effort and it doesn't always directly affect music. You have to have a long term outlook.
A sense of patience.
This a piece of music as well. No, really? 
Dynamics are life to music. And seemingly everything else.

This is why I dislike compressor pedals.

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