Saturday, December 28, 2013

Black Holes

Yeah...I mean the gravitational monsters that have physicists and laymen alike wondering what they are and what does it mean to me?

N.P.R. had a fascinating article about the interior of black holes.
Stretch Or Splat? How A Black Hole Kills You Matters ... A Lot

It struck me as completely over thought.
(Many times in life what staggers others seems glaringly simple to me and conversely I can be the densest person in the room)

Gravity was classically though of as a force of attraction. The more mass an object contains the greater its attraction.
Wrong Mr. Newton.
Mr. Einstein showed us that magnetism is the only attraction related force in physics.

Gravity pushes you, not pulls you. This was an incredibly significant deviation from Newton.
The greater the mass the great the object deforms space around it, until like a bowl with no friction you slide to the bottom of the well created by the mass of that object.
What the artist doesn't show is the bowl extends in all directions, enclosing the planet like a shell, the depth and reach are the function of the mass. The center of the object being the focal point for the deformation of space. Where you are being pushed.

In this depiction of a black hole (the eponymous "artist rendition") we can see the leeching of a nearby planet as it enters the field of the black hole.
The surrounding accretion disk of spinning material, and the jets of material from the polar extremes.

Quantum physics demand nothing created, nothing destroyed. The information contained in your body must be preserved even after entering a black hole or all of quantum physics fails. It must go somewhere.

The other side of that coin in the N.P.R. piece is there is nothing inside a black hole. Space and time end.

Two things strike me as glaringly obvious.

As a fire clears a forest for new growth, black holes are galactic cleaning tools. We have found the womb of the stars, we can watch dust and matter coalesce into balls that gather mass and momentum. Some ignite when the pressures needed for atomic reaction are met. Some fall a tad short and become Jupiter. Gas giants that should have been stars, but failed.
Black holes remove matter from the visible universe. And to a man looking at fire a thousand years ago we might see that he thought a forest fire to be a most destructive force, consuming everything in its wake. A force of evil, a thing to be fought and defeated.
Black holes are natural things; therefore they serve a purpose. Admittedly beyond our understanding at the moment, but were someone to find a "cure" for black holes I would tell them to abandon the idea. They serve a natural purpose as do ants and cockroaches and earthquakes and volcanoes and fires.

And two, to satisfy the quantum crowd I say this: your body and being would be reduced to the size of an atom in an instant. All the information is preserved, it just takes up far less space.
No spaghettification at all.
Galactic smushing.
If the universe is oscillating then the need for dark matter may be closely tied to black holes?

I haven't violated Einstein or Hawking. Have I?

And now back to your regularly scheduled blogging.

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