It is an absolute, unbridled joy to play music in a live situation. The interaction between the band and the audience. Between band members. The energy that flows through the venue from a half hour before the show until an hour after.
Farmer's Markets are not the glamorous gigs. Nor are they especially well paying. But they are a blast. This audience is not coming to hear music nor drink but they are out to enjoy a night out. To laugh and have life fulfilled.
Very few expectations on the part of the crowd or the band. The band is here to lend atmosphere, to ratchet up the pleasure by an order of magnitude. Unobtrusive, accessible and helping to pace the stroll up and down the boulevard.
I've made connections doing these sort of gigs and I have made friends too. That ten year old that came up to me in 2010 and asked about my guitar.(I handed it to him)
He must be a young man now, perhaps he plays in a band? I wonder if he passed by on Wednesday and recognized me?
Seeing folks out and about, smiling and enjoying themselves is probably the best form of payment I could ask for. As we were playing, an older gentleman took his wife's hand and twirled her about in front of us while we played. Sigh...
Let's have a good time while we're here, mkay?
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