Friday, April 25, 2014

I Don't Believe in God, but He Believes in Me

There are times when the normal discourse uncovers gems...humans or nature or nothing at all.
I believe in God.
And the reason is stupid. I read a cartoon by an evangelist. Jack Chick.
Chicks Tracts

His reasoning is dogma...he really offers nothing new. But I read one and the two and then three and was smitten by the idea of sacrifice.
Jesus sacrificing for me...for all of us.
Me sacrificing for...
My mother sacrificing...

I see a pattern.

I am Jewish...Emanuel was one of US. And yet we disowned Him and our cousins embraced Him. - who was the loser in this exchange? Not so much loser but...a freely given gift that was rejected.
(And my mother, the consummate Jew by culture; rejects Jesus, but holds nothing else. To her, Jesus is rejection of her Jewish identity - to me, affirmation)

Sholom Aleichem  - a Yiddish author  - my mothers touchstone.
He wrote a tale in which a very pious man upon arriving in Heaven was asked what boon he would enjoy, having lived such a pious life, asked for a bagel.
After the angels attempt to explain the honor being bestowed, the man is asked again - what boon may Heaven do for him.
"Okay, with butter."

The Russians are fatalists, everything is bad, why fight?
Jews are supposed to be unassuming and free of desire - yeah, riiiiiiiiight.

I have been exposed to Jewish traditions and literature. I see great care for others, and a sense of duty and of tradition. Then I see Christ...much of the same. With one small difference. No differentiation between "them" and "us."
Churches of this world have made it a difference, Christ did not.
He was talking to Jews, who didn't hear the message. It was adopted by those Christ was not speaking to.
We are ALL God's children.
I've heard this in many settings...Jewish, Black...

I've yet to see a majority embrace it.

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