Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Why Do You Play Music?

It is form of expression. It is a way for me to unload feelings or thoughts in such a way that no two people will see it the same way I do, but perhaps will enjoy it as much.

We all like to tell stories. Some of us are better at it, and some have issues when speaking to groups of people, but playing is Tale Spinning (Weather Report).

Sometimes it is incoherent ramblings. They can be fun, are somewhat difficult to follow and easily done.

Sometimes you have a heartfelt story to share with others. This is a difficult thing to accomplish. This is where you want your vision to align with the audiences; that's tough. Lyrics make it easier (obviously), but still leave room for interpretation.

Maybe you have a bout of playfulness. As with word play, you start riffing on a theme and with subtle changes and shifts you move the tune forward thematically.

My first interest was to attract girls. The bands at school dances seemed to be the object of all the young ladies desires. So this was an in.

That summer (1969) my parents sent me to summer camp; the overnight trip was to Woodstock.
We went to bed every night to the strains of Tommy.
My love of all things music bloomed. Music for its own sake.

Now, it is an integral part of who I am. I can easily express myself non verbally. I can release tension. Or reinforce new things I've learned. Or laugh or cry.
Artists can 'doodle,' musicians 'noodle.'

Part of the integration is the eternal desire for knowledge. I take a class...I take another. The first was an introductory sort of class. The second is a no nonsense music theory class.
Stretching muscles, gray or otherwise, is a good thing.

What does music do TO you, FOR you?

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