Ever watch Grey's Anatomy?
Most of the cast act as if surgery defines them...is what makes them tick. Is who they are.
And to a degree I can see their point. I have thought about what I would do were playing guitar taken away from me and have generally thought of composing or teaching - finding another aspect of music to find fulfillment.
But I think now, I see how that would be somewhat lacking.
I was called to an informal jam session yesterday and found myself having a blast because and solely because I was doing what I love and doing it well with a group of people.
The music was old and tired, the crowd...much the same. Far too much beer and burgers and not enough mineral water and carrots...listen to me. But we are an older crowd, right? So act our age? I wanted a martini, anyway.
But in any case, I was having fun. Because I had a guitar in hand and a source of energy to feed from.
Audience is crucial to a good performance. In my studio, I sound okay. In front of a crowd, I sound great.
I thought it a matter of discipline but instead found it to be energy driven. By myself I can become uninspired. It takes effort to explore a new sound to play something new at all. The rut of 'alone' is deep, whether it is musically or in life in general.
But a crowd? An appreciative crowd? Now I am very energetic and incredibly inspired. I feed off of the crowd. They tell me what to play through energy level alone. One person clapping and whistling drives you, a room full and you are flying.
So for the thirty of so people that were drinking too much and barbecuing the neighbors into submission...thanks. I needed that.
Learning to please oneself is not easy, but I am working on it.
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