Tuesday, June 12, 2012

We Each Weigh Life In The Scales of Our Own Making

Or - How to Have Two Competing, Diametrically Opposed Ideas Exist In Your Head

A friend mentioned that I haven't been seeing as many acts as I had in years past.
I thought for a second...But I have played twice as many gigs.

Perspective...as a good friend put it, is what you marinate in. If you live to see acts then yes, I have been slacking. If you live to rack up miles in your car I am an abysmal failure.

We each have a unique perspective.
I live to integrate all the other perspectives...however foreign or distasteful they may be...initially.
I find I am quick to react - a true kneejerk reactionary. Yep.

No...I don't like it...more to read?...learn something new?

And then...something magical occurs.
Mr. Hyde goes away. Given a minute to reflect and I find I am now saying...

Yes, I love it, more to read! I want to learn more! Fill me.

Why the face is that?
I am completely schizophrenic to harbor both schools of thought within the same head inside of five minutes...aren't I?

Okay, so I learned twenty years ago to let any initial negative reaction sit and simmer for a minute. I still slip now and then, but by reflecting and finding the change, I am centered and I know I am right.

I need to change my sauce!


I am really not enjoying 2012 - too many people taken from me. And yet I find myself intensely thankful for what I have.
(See the title)

I think what I ask for most often, more than than guidance or money or happiness is perspective to see the world as it is.

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