Saturday, February 13, 2010

Panic In Los Angeles

Sorry Mr. Bowie... ;)

A friend called, panic stricken, "Dude! My Fostex FROZE!"
I got him to start some tea - which gave him time to recoup and calm down. And I went digging for my post about the dreaded 'Fostex Freeze' - as it's euphemistically known on the 'net.
What I found was dredging an old thread is more difficult than it should be.

I had to open another tab before it would work a'tall.
I kept clicking on the exact thread and the blog engine kept returning newer postings.
It should not be this difficult for anyone to navigate a site as simple as this. I guess I have to delve deeper into the mechanics behind the engine.
Just what I wanted to do with my Saturday night.

Conversely that means my Sunday is free for a night with the magnificent guitar work of Los Lonely Boys.
They are playing at the Grove of Anaheim, which recently has become a sort of favorite venue of mine.
Large enough to attract the big names and at the same time maintain a sense of intimate contact with the performers.
The band is wonderful, not only is the music production top tier but the content is as well. Excellently crafted songs. I would love to play with those guys, anytime.

Oh yeah...the repost.

Saturday, December 19, 2009
Fostex MR - 16 HD/CDRW Reset
I was recording some new pieces when I decided to transfer the material to my pc.
On the MR-16, you enter a System Menu, connect it to the pc and transfer the data.
When finished you are to press the Stop key to exit USB mode.
Usually you are met with a "Wait One Moment," screen, followed by the return to the System Menu.

However, under some circumstances the whole recorder can freeze on the "Wait.." screen.
One condition is interrupting the USB (usually by powering down - which at this point can only be done by removing the plug), another is removing files the recorders hard disk needs - d'oh!

Take a breath.
Power the unit while holding the Enter knob. You are looking for the System Menu and for the Power light to stay lit. If you have to cycle power more than once to 'catch' the System Menu, so be it.
Once you make it into the System Menu, go to the second page and choose, "Disk Format." Confirm it by Entering a 'Yes.'
All better!
When you exit the System Menu, you should be looking at the normal Start Screen.
The Song number and time left, which in this case should say "2...1,000"
If the Power switch stays lit and the 'Hall" presence comes on by default, then you are home free and finished.

If not, I can only suggest repeatedly trying the above technique until you get it to work - or email me and we can try to work it out.

Hard disks can be tough on users.
Posted by e at 12:22 AM

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