Friday, January 28, 2011

Subliminal Message

When Verizon offered a Droid phone at no cost to me, I acquiesced.
Shortly afterwards I decided to get a case. I found a brand I black, red, blue, silver or purple.

The purple spoke to me.
Frequently I heed my first instinct...when my spidey sense tingles I try to follow it. (The trick being the ability to distinguish a first instinct from a suggestion made by your drunken monkey)
Fine, I'll continue to be a rebel...purple cover it is.

It is a nice cover, does the job well and feels welcoming to the touch.

The other night I was noodling on my Jaguar with the phone laying on the coffee table.
I finished what I was playing and tossed the pick on top of the phone.

(Can you see the light bulb going off over my head?)

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