Sunday, November 18, 2012



The epitome of noodling. I am just goofing around while twisting all knobs, trying all switches.
There are two disparate pieces that are spliced around the 1:40 mark.

I had a group of backing pieces queued up, the recorder was running (as it always is) and I was just jamming.
2:45 feedback - that HALO pedal is just amazing - the volume at the amp is set at TWO.
(Had to get that out of the way - I love my HALO)

Starts off with nothing but guitar.
At 0:24 I kick the wah...0:25 HALO is on 'channel one.'
Change pickup selector dwitch.
Another kick to the wah @ 0:35.
1:17 pickup selector change - try chordal noodles.

1:40 HALO is on channel two. Harmonics are oozing out.
I am just flipping the selector switch with impunity, now.
heh - that feedback - bedroom volumes, ladies and gents!
3:10 - I think of this as yodeling.

As a kid, an exercise I loved was singing - not lyrics, but the song. Bert, the bass player in the band would sing a bass line. Charlie the drummer made drumming noises, and I sang a guitar.
It made me think in terms that were both very familiar and yet foreign.

When I took guitar lessons, I had to push the same thing. To think in terms of a melodic line laid over a preset rhythm group.
So now when I hear a backing track I instinctively mentally whistle a solo on top. How closely the sound is to what I hear is where practice and muscle memory come in.

The last piece to the puzzle is being in the zone and paying attention. I tend to mentally wander off...if this is the second, third, fifth take - I find my mind wandering - guess what I sound like? Rote garbage.

Noodling. Not without thinking.
One day...

Stop me - Blue Cuz I Wanna Be

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