Tuesday, November 10, 2009

My Mind's Mixdown

Part of what makes up the symphony I hear is the mix down my mind performs.

If someone I dislike tells me the sun is shining outside, I'll go check for myself.
If someone I love tells me the same thing, I wonder why the sun is out.
I look for the 'truth' behind the words I hear.

Why is it that I assume the words I hear are not the God's Honest Truth?
That they were somehow crafted and shaped for my ears.

My mind will not leave well enough alone.
Words or music.
I am always analyzing, looking for deeper meaning...why?
Is it my eternal optimism?

If a friend says something, that I accept at face value?
But once there is deep emotion invested the search for meaning starts.

I realize how this confounds and bothers some.

It does allow me to explore songs and lyrics that some will accept at face value and in the process miss the inherent truth.

Books don't have this effect upon me.
I wonder why?
I just assume I know what the author intended.
Or art?
It's the same - I accept my own feelings as the intention of the artist.

Is this the tortured artist?
Am I bipolar? Was Van Gogh?

Or is this somehow a normal occurrence between humans once feelings become involved?

Someone tell me, in plain words, please.

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