Thursday, December 17, 2009

Why Do They Call It, "Falling" In Love?

Fiddler On The Roof.
Given enough time and something in common, affection can develop.
Some call that love.
I call it like-honed-to-a-point.

The reason the act of finding true love is referred to as "falling," is because of the precipitous nature of the decent.
The same is true in music.

If I have to labor and craft a piece, over and over it generally falls into my mediocre pile.
That which strikes in a fit of passion and needs little refining is superlative.
And it is funny how easily I can recognize which mode is occurring when in the throes of creativity.

Okay, explain that to me.
We've heard not to second guess ourselves, but that is a talent well sharpened among us humans.
What is it about that inner voice that is so true?
Is that God speaking to us?
Through us?
Is that our divine nature?

Not all instinctual choices are the best. Society and the times demand we suppress some of our "first choices."
But notice, it was the speed with which the emotion establishes itself or the amount of creative flow that determines true love.

In the areas of creativity, love, food...the choice that is clear quickly is the true one. The one that develops over time is an acquired taste.
Mind you, not that acquired tastes are necessarily a bad thing.
But they are not the perfect thing - the best thing.

Passionate outbursts are by their very nature overpowering.
Slow, smoldering outpourings generally end up looking very much "crafted."

So if you feel it, run with it.
Don't second guess yourself.

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